Thank you for being such a wonderful dad to baby Mia. She loves you so much! You’re so caring and dedicated to us. You are amazing and we are so lucky to have you! We love you to the moon and back 💗

You have brought us more happiness than we could have hoped for. You are our sunshine, our everything. This has been the best year of our lives! Never stop smiling and being so happy. Happy 1st birthday my sweet angel! We love you so much! 🎀🌷💗 #1stbirthday #wildone #elephanteverything🐘 #trooperthepooper #siblinglove #happybabygirl

A year today I was going into the hospital to get induced. I was scared and excited all at the same time. One thing was for sure, I didn’t want to stop having you in my belly. I loved having you in it everyday. Waking up and going to bed knowing that you were safe and comfy in there. Oh baby girl, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. Making you from scratch was simply the best thing I’ve ever done. I love you more than words can say! 💗 #almostyourbigday #firstbirthday #mybabygirl #loveyoutopieces❤️

My momma made this hat for me 😆 💗#happybirthday #crochetersofinstagram #ithinkibecameanoldlady #sheissocute

Somebody’s first birthday is coming up this weekend 😁!!! 🧸🎉🎀 #partygirl #partytime #saturdaybirthdayparty #growingupsofast #holycrap

My heart started to beat faster and faster as I prepared these bags for donation. Each and every single one of these bags represent my effort and dedication to keep my supply high to meet my baby’s demand. She was never forgiven of a low supply day. She made sure I kept my part of the deal of supplying her with the good stuff while she kept on my life happier and happier each day. As I approach my year goal, I only think it’s fair I pass this milk along to those that desperate need it. To those mamas that for whatever reason can’t supply their babies with the liquid gold. To those mamas I want to tell you that I see you, and IT IS OK! You are doing more than enough to keep your baby healthy and thriving! Day in and day out it is a battle to keep those little ones growing and meeting their milestones. Today, I have tears in my eyes as I see all the bags of milk I have produced, remembering all the early mornings, late nights, middle of nights pumping sessions. I was hard, but I think I’m done with the pumping. Now that my body knows how much to produce and how to keep my baby satisfied, I will leave the pump behind and concentrate more on my baby’s solid foods that will keep the job of nourishing her from now on. I love my breastfeeding journey. It has been real! Now I am rewarded with a chunky baby that can’t get enough of me. Here is to those mamas that keep on going. You can do it! We can do it! 💗

These two babies make me so happy. Thank you for letting me be your mom 🌷💗 Happy Mother’s Day to all beautiful moms ❤️